The Lord is a God of miracles. I've never seen so many blessings amongst so much adversity; so many trials yet so many miracles. Sometimes we tend to forget just who is running the show here. Sometimes we ask ourselves if it's really worth it. It IS worth it. Saturday, we had a baptism planned for Benny. The day before, we lost all communication with her. Long story short, her family from outside the country arrived, and she was affected by what they had to say about the Church. She didn't show up to go to the temple, so we went with the other investigators without her. Canceling the baptism last minute, we went with our ward mission leader to see if we could go rescue her. She wasn't home. Anytime a date falls it's a bit discouraging. I've felt perhaps just a sliver of what our Heavenly Father feels when His children choose the wrong path, or stray away after having received testimony of the truth. Instead, our mission leader showed us the house of some less actives, sealed in the temple, that haven't been to church in a long time. I've never seen so much opposition against such a great cause. We had a very powerful lesson with them. The man crying during the lesson, told us they would be at church the next day without doubt, and they were. Perhaps Benny wasn't ready for baptism, but the Ramos family was ready to return to the fold of God.
The next day, at church we found out that a member, Sister Lurdes, had passed away of a stroke that very morning. It was sudden, and many were affected by her death. The sacrament meeting was very solemn and there was a very sober yet sacred feeling in the air that day. It's been an emotional weekend and things just seemed to keep piling up. Later, we wanted to go through the ward directory with the bishop to find investigators that attend church and could possibly be baptized this week, however, the entire ward went to the sister's funeral. Instead we went with a brother to Amalia to try and visit Benny. She wasn't there again. We said a prayer, and decided to visit some other investigators that have had baptismal dates in the past. We gave ourselves to the Lord, and put the work in His hands. That same night, we were able to talk with Maryleidy, the brother's daughter that we're actually teaching and have been trying to marry, she also went to the temple with us the day before. After a good conversation, we set the date that she would be married this Friday, and baptized the next day Saturday. We've spent today getting all of the papers ready, copies of IDs and birth certificates. We went with our second counselor, who will be one of the witnesses along with the relief society president, to the oficiala and got everything taken care of and set up for their marriage Friday at 9:00 in the morning. The Lord takes care of His children, and when our best efforts just aren't enough, He steps in with grace and works miracles. We were also able to speak with an elderly lady who is the mother of the former stake president, who is currently in Cuba serving a mission with his wife. We set a date with her for the 14th of May, and will have dates for other families soon. Every trial and every set back has only made room for greater blessings. Every day of our lives can be a testimony builder if we let it. I have no doubt that this is the Lord's work, and it is glorious.
Have a great week!
Elder Brady
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The formerly inactive family Ramos! |
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Couple o' Gs |
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Robo Cop 2016 |